Thursday, October 28, 2004

“Sonic Parking” – Final Year Project

Each student studying electronics at LTU must complete a final year design project to demonstrate design skills and electronic knowledge they have acquired. The project I undertook was, “Sonic Parking.”

Sonic Parking was a reverse parking aid that used ultrasonic ranging at four points across a vehicles rear bumper to measure distance between the bumper and the closest object to the vehicle and the measured distances would then be displayed on a LCD screen positioned within the drivers view.

The finished product had the following features:
- Capable of measuring from 0.4 to 9.7 meters with a overall accuracy ±0.1 meters
- Four point location resolution
- Range resolution of 0.1 meters
- Flashing LED/beeper where frequency increase as closest object

The project presentation slides and thesis of Sonic Parking can be viewed here!

The photo top right is of Sonic Parking mounted to the bumper of my car and right bottom shows myself holding the LCD screen and ultrasonic transducers mounted to a test trolley.


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